The Executive Secretary Yobe State Hospitals Management Board visits General Hospital Jakusko.
The Executive Secretary Hospitals Management Board Damaturu Dr Musa Mohammed Baba today 23rd February 2022 visited GH Jakusko on a routine Integrated Supportive Supervision(ISS) along with Director pharmaceutical services, Director Medical Laboratory Services and Deputy Director Nursing Services.
The Executive Secretary and his team inspected the service points in the hospital to see the level and standard of care provided.
The team were impressed with the level of commitment and dedication shown by the staff. Patient records were reviewed and the level of care and documentation were satisfactory. Some transformational changes in the facility are commendable, essential drugs were available for service delivery.
However, the ES urged the staff to judiciously utilise the available manpower resources by assigning their schedules of work. He also urged the management to take inventory of the facility equipment and also put the equipment into use to provide the needed services.
Moreso, the ES equally addressed the management on :
(1) Quality, effective and efficient service delivery.
(2) Financial management, financial regulations and accountability.
(3) Dedication and teamwork.
(4) Leadership and responsibility.
(5) Rewards and discipline.
(6) Keeping the hospital environment always clean and friendly.
The hospital management expressed their appreciation for the visit and assured the ES and his team of their determination and commitment in providing the standard, effective, efficient and qualitative health care service delivery.
The ES later interviewed some patients in the hospital where they expressed their satisfaction with the level of care they are receiving and prayed for the managers of the hospital, the ES and his team, the honourable commissioner for health and His Excellency Gov. Mai Mala Buni for the support.
Furthermore, the ES assured the facility staff of the board’s continued support to ensure that the mandate of His Excellency the Executive Governor Hon. Mai Mala Buni on the provision of qualitative, effective, efficient and affordable health care service delivery is achieved.
Finally, the ES wished them all the best and prayed for Allah’s guidance, blessings and protection as they perform their duties and responsibilities.